Image Dimensions Masterfile

Hello Onboardme Fam! In this article, you will find the recommended dimensions of the images used in Onboardme, OMCheckout, and FitFunnels. All dimensions are in px.

Onboardme Images

  1. Public Cover- Big Screen 1280 x 300
  2. Public Cover- Small Screen 768 x 300 
  3. Playbook Step Thumbnail- 1200 x 700
  4. Playbook Step Banner - 1200 x 200 
  5. Offer Image -1200 x 630
  6. Offer Pop Up Image - 1200 x 630 
  7. Feature DashThumbnails - 1024 x 662
  8. Content Image - 600 x 350
  9. Public Logo- 180 x 60
  10. Author Image- 180 x 180
  11. Coach Bio Image
  12. Favicon- 32 x 32
  13. Social Share Image- 1200 x 630

OMCheckout Images

  1. Products and Checkout page Thumbnails- 1280 x 700
  2. Internal Organization Logo- 250 x 50 
  3. Checkout Page Organizational Logo- 188 x 40
  4. Checkout Page Header/Hero Image - 1250 x 400

Fitfunnel Images

  1. Social Share Thumbnail- 1200 x 630